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“If your actions create a legacy that inspire 😇others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then you are an excellent leader. ” 

The morning of 4th May presented a proud🤗moment for the management , staff and students of Jai Vatika Public school, Barnala as the Student👨‍🎓 Council was enthroned .

The beginning of the ceremony 🎊 was marked by amazing School Band 🥁🪗🎺 . Later on the honour🤗 of lamp lighting was done by our honourable Chairman sir Dr.Bhushan Bansal, Mrs. chairman Dr. Kamlesh Bansal and Secratery of the school Er. Rohit Bansal, Director Mam Ar. Vanisha Bansal, worthy Principal Mam Dr. Parvinder Kaur and cooperative co-ordinators. 

The student council👨‍🎓 had been democratically elected by the panel of judges🧑‍⚖️ and elections held in the school and the hard work of students and teachers paid off and finally we had our Student Council of session 2024-25 . Students councillors have gone through a real grilling process to get these appointments

The entire indoor hall was buzzed with pride😇 and enthusiasm🤗🥰 . 

Our cheerful Chairman Sir Dr. Bhushan Bansal addressed the entire council body and motivated😇 them to excel in their field. Later on students were honoured with sashes and badges beginning from the Head boy and Head girl of the school. The student Council took an oath to live up to the expectations and work in sync with the mission of the school. The students marched with buoyancy and placed the School Flag and House Flags in the Flag post. Our esteemed Director Mam Ar. Vanisha Bansal addressed the students and congratulated👍👏 them on their appointment as the school representatives . She inspired😇 the students to take up their duty diligently and stressed on the accountability bestowed on them by the school. Ms. Jasmeet Kaur and Mr. Saimanjot Singh led the student council as the chosen head boy and head girl. Both of them in their speeches affirmed the missions and pledged to student Council body of school representing values of righteous , responsibility integrity and leadership . Head girl of the school presented a vote of 🙏 to the entire management.


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